Lethal Weapon Evaluation- Act 235 or Act 120 Evaluation

Open Minds Psychological provides a comprehensive and competitive rate for a lethal weapons psychological evaluation. Since we believe in helping individuals succeed and not deter forward progress with their career, we ensure timely turnaround of the results and reporting.

If you are looking for lethal weapon certification, contact:
 Open Minds Psychological today.

A Lethal Weapon Certification, also referred to as an Act 235 or Act 120 evaluation, requires a psychological examination to determine mental fitness of the individual prior to being allowed to carry a firearm or other “lethal” weapon. These evaluations are given to a variety of professionals, including police officers (municipal, county and state), armed security guards, private investigators, bodyguards, and other security-related professionals.

Our evaluation involves a one-on-one interview and a personality assessment. It typically takes between two to three hours to complete. During the interview, we aim to learn more about you and your background while the personality assessment is a multiple-choice test with no right or wrong answers that is conveniently completed electronically.  Once the evaluation is completed it is directly submitted by the licensed provider electronically.

Helpful Links

About Act 235
Act 235 Applications
Certified Schools
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact PA State Police Lethal Weapons Certification Unit

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